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IWA/CC Minutes 01-06-2010
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Betty Warren, Barb Kelly, Mario Marrero, Richard Muller, Audrey Delnicki, John Blondin, Hugh Brower

STAFF PRESENT:                  Jeff Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary


Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm


Commissioner Brower provided a copy of correspondence with Ginny Hole regarding the South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways Master Plan (SWW&WW).  Ms. Hole stated that the trails through conservation areas will be designated and marked as walking only.  There will be a specific corridor for bikers/walkers to safely gain access to the walking trails.  At some point SWW&WW would like to place bike racks at the each trail entrance.  The Open Space Task Force had voiced the same concerns as IWA/CC.

Commissioner Brower also shared correspondence from Karl Wagener, State of CT DEP, regarding the failure of the Town of South Windsor to report wetland permit information as required by the state on an annual basis.  Mr. Wagener stated that South Windsor is in compliance for 2007 and 2008.  Mr. Folger stated that South Windsor is now fully in compliance with reporting requirements for Inland Wetlands.  

ITEM:  MINUTES: 12/16/2009 - Approved by consensus.  



ITEM:  LEGAL NOTICE - Commissioner Delnicki read the legal notice into the record.


Appl. #09-38W – Town of South Windsor – Sand Hill Road Reconstruction Project – IWA/Conservation Commission application for the reconstruction of Sand Hill Road including associated improvements to the drainage and storm water structures.

Robert Grillo, Project Engineer-Town of South Windsor and Jason McKay, Milone and MacBroom- Consulting Engineers, presented the application.  There are 2 areas of regulated activity, designated #1 and #2.  #1 – associated with reconstruction of the road where Plum Gully Brook crosses Sand Hill Road through an existing box culvert.  The impact to wetlands in this area is only within the 80 foot upland review area.  On the north side of Sand Hill Road – extension of sidewalk from Nevers Road to Collins Lane with associated fill and slope tying into the headwall.  On the south side of Sand Hill Road – propose to improve an existing storm drainage structure outfall.  There is evidence of erosion and undermining of the outfall.  The existing concrete splash pad will be permanently removed.  The existing concrete culvert end will be reset with appropriate grading to a proposed 2 stage plunge pool.  The plunge pools would be installed to help decrease velocities and filter sediment before discharge to Plum Gully Brook.  The main channel of Plum Gully Brook will not be touched.  The existing box culvert will not be touched.  Modified (12”) rip-rap will be used in the plunge pools and to stabilize associated grading around the plunge pools, with seeding in areas as appropriate.  To facilitate the grading and installation of the plunge pools, the culvert end (which has been undermined) would be temporarily removed then replaced, with modified rip-rap used to stabilize the area.  In response to Commissioner Marrero’s question regarding whether anyone had knowledge of flooding of Plum Gully Brook, no one knew of any flooding and Mr. Folger stated that the brook did not overtop in October 2005, which is now considered the current benchmark.  Commissioner Kelly asked if there is constant flow in the culvert – Folger: yes, and additional erosion controls adjacent to the stream have been recommended - a stone berm during construction which will then be replaced with rip-rap.

#2 – associated with road reconstruction and improvements to drainage and storm water structures at intersection of Chief Ryan Way and Sand Hill Road.  In this area there is direct impact to wetlands and within the upland review area.  In addition to the road reconstruction, proposed is replacement of the existing elliptical cnp pipe culvert under Sand Hill Road and restoration of a 70 ft channel between Chief Ryan Way and Sand Hill Road.  Due to a history of sediment buildup on the inlet side of the elliptical pipe, the proposal is to clean out area and replace with modified rip-rap.  Also proposed is a pre-formed scour hole on the outlet side of the culvert under Chief Ryan Way to slow the velocities and filter sediment before it discharges into the culvert across Sand Hill Road.  There is a construction staging component to this proposal (Water Handling Plan).  2 new catch basins and associated piping will be installed east of the new culvert, which will tie into an existing structure (drainage junction box) near Plum Ridge Condominiums.  The water in the channel will be temporarily diverted to the catch basins during construction inside the channel.  A 48” rcp pipe will replace the elliptical pipe under Sand Hill Road.  Warren: 2 ponds in area?  Jason: There is a pond on other side of berm.  Just vegetation, shrubbery, trees.  The trees should be protected, do not expect to remove any.  There should be limited grading.  The culvert will be standard pre-fabricated pipe. The discharge from this area will ultimately end up in the CL&P corridor across Ellington Road.  Discharge is underground to behind the condos. The junction box end of the culvert does not have much sediment accumulated in it.  Kelly:  Why rip-rap it all as opposed to plantings?  Jason: To help filter out the sediment as it seems to be under constant flow.  Combined with the pre-formed scour hole it is hoped to limit build-up of sediment at end of culvert.  Folger:  The goal is to capture sediment close to Chief Ryan Way, where it can be maintained by the street crews.  Kelly:  Understand the scour hole location, but why rip-rap all the way down because now vegetation.  Grillo:  in the drainage calculations, the flow is large and has substantial velocity.  Kelly:  vegetative surface is not eroding now.  Folger:  the water velocity has formed a channel thru the accumulated sediment so there is evidence of enough velocity to create scour. Right now there is artificial substrate in that wetland area because of all the accumulated sediment from the road and the CL&P right of way.  Kelly:  the key is to capture the sediment in the scour hole.  From the junction structure, enters a 48” concrete pipe, travels 380 ft and discharges behind the condominiums, into the CL&P corridor and its historically channel.  The discharged water reaches the surface at an outlet south of Ellington Road.  Folger:  Will the existing junction on the south side of Sand Hill remain?  Jason:  Yes, will tie in the new pipe to the old pipe.  Folger:  Is there any flow reduction capabilities in that junction?  Grillo:  It acts like a big manhole.  Warren:  Total impact is?  Folger:  1,202 sq ft direct wetland disturbance, 15,594 sq ft disturbance within upland review area.  Warren:  Any proposed mitigation, i.e. plantings?  Jason: at this time, rip-rap and seeding of the disturbed areas.  
Kelly: Want it on record as to the rationale regarding no mitigation.  Grillo: the original scope of project did not involve either wetland, but upon review of the road, the eroded splash pad and the deteriorated pipe by Chief Ryan Way was discovered and need to be corrected. We could do the project without either of these activities, but didn’t feel it was appropriate.  Folger:  In the case of replacing the outfall – it is undermining and causing a sedimentation problem right now.  Repairing it will be a mitigation measure that will prevent further sedimentation to the stream in that area. Muller:  What about plantings in the area?  Folger:  Just stabilization surface cover, i.e. grass.  Nothing on the plan for habitat plantings.

Motion to: close public hearing at 7:44 pm
Was made by: Commissioner Kelly
Seconded by: Commissioner Delnicki
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Discussion of prudent and feasible alternatives - per Jeff Folger:  An alternative would be to not do the repairs, which would obviously result in less wetland impact.  However, by not doing the repairs allows an unstable situation to continue, which will probably cause more long term impact to the wetlands.  Doing the repairs will ultimately result in less impact over time to wetland resources.

Motion for: a finding that this plan is the more feasible and prudent alternative.
Was made by: Commissioner Kelly
Seconded by: Commissioner Muller
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Motion to: approve Appl. #09-38W - Town of South Windsor – Sand Hill Road Reconstruction Project – IWA/Conservation Commission application for the reconstruction of Sand Hill Road including associated improvements to the drainage and storm water structures with the following conditions:

1.      The final approved copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon must be submitted to the Planning         Department.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans   submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.
2.      The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South Windsor against any liability, which might result f rom the proposed operation or use.
3.      The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on January 6, 2015.  It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to  track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.  
4.      All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.
5.      A contact person shall be identified on the plans.
6.      Place additional erosion control measures adjacent to stream channel in regulated area #1.

Was made by: Commissioner Muller
Seconded by: Commissioner Blondin
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


Commissioner Kelly:  Barber Hill Road detention pond repair complete?  Folger:  Yes


Appl. #10-01P – Mitchell Real Estate LLC –  Ident Road – IWA/Conservation Commission application for a site plan for a parking lot located southerly of Strong Road and westerly of Ident Road. Industrial (I) Zone.  It was determined that a public hearing is not needed due to there being no direct impact to the wetlands.


Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 7:57 pm

Was made by: Commissioner Delnicki
Seconded by: Commissioner Kelly
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.
Respectfully Submitted,

Donna Thompson  
Recording Secretary

Approved 1/20/2010